Dr. Aijaz and Shahnaz Mirza Grant, or also called The Pi Scholarship, accepts senior student(s) in highschool accepted into a collegel-or already enrolled in a college, or univeristy-emerging from under priviliged circumstances having difficulty to pay for tuition or receive a student loan to complete their education-as stipulated in the application-and excels in his or her education, in Indiana. The amount of the scholarship varies each year. This scholarship varies each year. Contact the Foundation for each year. Click here for Application


The UM International Travel Scholarship on Islamic Architecture, Islamic Art and Culture, by Indiana University-Purdue University in Indianpolis (IUPUI). The Pi Foundation has completed the allocation of funds required to support this scholarship, named after its founder, to perpetually educate our future teachers in the USA to be more aware of others in our society and cognizant about Muslims and Islam amongst us.

"About this Scholarship:" Recipient’s will be required to learn about Islamic culture in its many forms, including but not limited to that of the arts, architecture, social and racial justice. For instance, while some students may elect to study  the architecture of Islamic culture, students with an interest in the social sciences may elect to study how hate crimes have increased since 2001, Islamic racial identity, Islamic identity politics, or the  current political climate and Islamophobia and how these dispositions might work to impair educational outcomes for youth and communities.  Following the students study abroad, they are expected to present their findings/ discuss their experiences with faculty, staff, students in the SOE and beyond within 6 months of their return.